Explore the ancestral techniques that are helping people to live more consciously, for themselves and for the planet.
In ancient Egypt, queens and goddesses were renowned for their power and sensuality. They were also known for their deep associations with the natural world. Additionally, they were connected to motherhood and healing. Cleopatra is often shown bathing and being pampered, as she would have been in real life. The beauty rituals of wealthy ancient Egyptians were lengthy and complicated. They began with long milk baths infused with saffron oil. The lactic acid in milk would have helped exfoliate the skin.
Beauty rituals and luxurious moments for your skin and soul often involve the use of conditioning and nourishing ingredients. Historically, these practices were almost only performed by the higher classes of society.
• Cleopatra is for instance said to have had luxurious baths in donkey milk. To rejuvenate her skin and keep her beauty, she is said to have slept in a mask of pure gold.
• The story of Catherine the Great is that she mixed essential oils with pure ice. She used it onto her skin.
• Ayurveda is India’s holistic healthcare system and science of life that goes as far back as 5,000 years. The Ayurvedic use of dry body brushing is called Gharsana, in a process done to stimulate circulation and blood flow. Traditionally, raw silk or linen gloves were also used.
• The Traditional Chinese used dried fibers of a gourd fruit called ‘silk squash’. They created what we have now come to know as a loofah.
• Ancient Greeks and Romans exfoliated using an instrument with a curved blade called a ‘strigil’. The idea was to remove dirt, sweat, and oil before they bathed.
• Most traditional Iranian households would be familiar with the ancient exfoliation tools called ‘kiseh’ and ‘sefidab’. The former is a hand-woven exfoliating mitt. The latter is a white ball made from animal fats and natural minerals.
• The Russians, Turks and Scandinavians have also used the body exfoliation method for centuries.
• The ancient tradition played a central role in Japanese bath and skin care rituals as well.
• American Indians used dried corn cobs, and Polynesian people would use crushed sea shells.
We’ve circled around and explored a few of our ancient cultures and rituals. Over time, we have been exposed to a vicious cycle of industrial chemicals. These chemicals are found in our self-care products. We’re so happy to see people making the switch to more natural, botanical based lines inspired by ancient practices.
UNVEILING Body Glove is created with an intention to bring ritual and self care into your daily practices and routines. It offers a safe and effective way that not only promotes beauty but a deeper connection to yourself. It connects you to your heart, nature, and mindfulness.
Enjoy the invitation into your self care ritual. This ritual connects you to your own heart and soul. It also connects you to us all.Â